As an expert puts it, "employers are always skeptical." This means they do not easily believe their employees. To put it differently, they view employees with suspicion. According to them, employees will not put forth their fullest efforts if they are not prodded, employees will while away their time if they are not supervised constantly, and they will commit blunders if they are not guided properly. Though this opinion of the expert has to be taken with a pinch of salt, the fact remains that it may be difficult for employees to earn the goodwill of their employers. This is perhaps one of the reasons some employees try to over-deliver, though whether they succeed in their efforts to impress their employers or not is a debatable point.
If you are an employee and if you, in the cockles of your heart, have a feeling that your employer views you with suspicion, you are likely to wonder as to how to enter the good books of the employer. Remember there are several employees who are like you and who want themselves to be considered valuable by their employers. Let us find out if this is possible and if so, how it can be accomplished.
You may be a marketing executive in your company, you may be a supervisor who manages the shop floor, or you may be working in the accounts or audit department or in the HR section. Regardless of your position in your organization and regardless of your productivity levels, the management is likely to quickly forget all that you have delivered, however big your accomplishments may be. As an employee helming the marketing department, you may have brought in more business and increased sales to a significant extent. As the Head of the HR department, you might have played a key role in recruiting the right candidates for the company. Be informed that the company will not always remember these things. "People's memory is short" is the saying. Similarly, management's memory is short also. In this context, how can you make your management put you in the list of highly valuable employees?
"All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players," said Shakespeare. Your life and the role you play in your workplace is also similar to that of an actor. As an employee, you may encounter various types of situations at your workplace and this may include tricky ones as well. Let us assume that the company is facing such a tricky situation. Just imagine that you have authored a drama in which this situation occurs. How will you handle it? Or how will you give a twist to the story so the issue gets resolved and the situation becomes normal? In short, you are advised to put your creative muscle to work.
What is the inference of all these? You should try to become an idea machine or an idea-generating machine for your company. If you consistently provide great ideas for the company, your employer will certainly consider you a highly valuable employee. This is because it is ideas that can make or mar a business. It is ideas that can take a company to the next planks. It is ideas that can out-smart the competition. Therefore, if you become an idea-generating machine for your employer, you will not only be a valuable employee but will be able to climb the career rungs faster as well.
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