You may be holding a reasonably good position in an organization and earning well. But there may be times you may have an insecure feeling, and thanks to this feeling, you may at times think of quitting your job. Can you make this decision all of a sudden? Issues such as taking good care of your family, educating your children, and paying your bills regularly and on time may be preventing you from making this drastic decision. If you do not have a regular income, you cannot fulfill these obligations.
Especially, if you feel that the ambiance in your organization is not conducive or if you think that your performances are time and again ignored, you may be a frustrated employee. But will quitting your present job solve these problems? What is the guarantee that you will get a job in which you will have satisfaction? Can you be certain that the ambiance in a new company will be better than what you experience in the present organization? The following tips may help you overcome your frustrating thoughts so that you can focus on your growth and achieve a big success in your career.
1. The frustration you experience is overwhelming. But how to overcome it?
It is true that the frustration you experience is unbearable and overwhelming. That is the reason you feel like quitting your present job. But your decision comes with several what-ifs that you cannot ignore at all. So, you will keep on thinking alternatively between quitting your job and the uncertainties that come along with it. This situation can be paralyzing. If this situation continues indefinitely, you will experience increased frustration that may again feed the what-ifs. Ironically, frustration, if unchecked, can get stronger and stronger on its own. You need not take any specific steps for strengthening it.
So, what is the way out? Experts advise that you should feel the fears but at the same time, you must take action. For example, if you think that your performances are not being recognized and you are not getting the elevations you think you deserve, you must take action by taking immediate steps to improve yourself by enriching your knowledge and acquiring new skills. You should become a fountain of knowledge that supplies innovative ideas to your organization. You should take this step even if the fears and what-ifs are haunting you. Action alone is the antidote for fears and uncertainties. Simply put, instead of allowing your fears to paralyze you, you should turn them into inspiration tools.
2. How to go about this?
As Zig Ziglar says, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Start small and keep acquiring small skills. Get into the reading habit. But you should read only those books and materials that can enrich your knowledge in your field. Once you go to the top position, you may have ample time to read other books or materials.
Even if you make small improvements to your knowledge and skill levels, it will do a world of good for improving your confidence. Remember the quote of Michelangelo who once said, "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."
To conclude, if you take action, you can achieve success in your career even if the present situation seems to be unfavorable and despite the fact that fears are haunting you.
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