You are Mr. Lazy but you have big dreams on your career front. When you discuss these dreams with your colleagues or others, you face ridicules because the general conception is that those who are lazy and are not ready to put in hard work can never succeed. Are they right? Or can you achieve your career goals despite being lazy? The answer is: You can achieve success even if you are lazy. This answer may surprise everyone. But there are a few strategies by which you can ensure fructification of your big dreams. Now, what are the strategies? This post provides you with the details.
Monday, May 27, 2024
Continue To Be Mr. Lazy But Be An Asset To Your Company
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Definite Ways To Power Your Job Search Or Career Growth
If you are anxious that you are not able to career growth is not to the expected levels, you should find out the ways that will help in moving your career graph northwards. True, there are as many ways or even more, than the number of experts out there. But there are a few definite steps that can certainly help you in such a situation. Let us find out more about these steps.
Friday, May 10, 2024
What Should You Do To Take Complete Control Of Your Career
As a job-seeker, you may think that you are unlucky and that is the reason you are not landing a job. Unfortunately, the way you think is wrong because the mistake lies on you and you alone. You have to be honest to yourself to realize your shortcomings. In fact, most of those who find it difficult to land a job seem to have one big shortcoming. Of course, it is easy to overcome this but you have to make sincere and consistent efforts to surmount it. Let us find out more on this.