You are Mr. Lazy but you have big dreams on your career front. When you discuss these dreams with your colleagues or others, you face ridicules because the general conception is that those who are lazy and are not ready to put in hard work can never succeed. Are they right? Or can you achieve your career goals despite being lazy? The answer is: You can achieve success even if you are lazy. This answer may surprise everyone. But there are a few strategies by which you can ensure fructification of your big dreams. Now, what are the strategies? This post provides you with the details.
You can help your company grow by leaps and bounds.
The above statement may surprise you. You may think "I am lazy and I hate doing any work. How can I help my company grow? The answer to your doubts is: You can become a hacker. You may again think that hacking is a dirty word. True. Everyone considers hacking as unethical. And rightly so. What we are talking about is growth hacking.
How can you do hacking and help your company grow?
You can create more and more demand for the products or services your companiy offers. This statement may not surprise you but may shock you. You may start thinking "Should I do door-to-door campaigning or become a sales person and create demand for what my company has to offer?" No. You need not become a sales person or do door-to-door marketing. On the contrary, you can create more and more demand by providing great ideas for advertising the products or services your company has to offer.
What is the purpose of advertising? It is to make more and more people, and especially potential customers know about your products or services. This is what marketers also do. So, in conclusion, advertising is also marketing. Andrew Chen, one of the top tech essayists, says in an article “Growth hackers are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of “How do I get customers for my product?.”
If you come out with innovative ideas for advertising the products or services your company has to offer, your company need not spend heavily on traditional marketing methods. But chances of getting spectacular results are high.
So, please continue to be Mr. Lazy but come out with great ideas for advertising a.k.a. marketing your company's products or services. This means without doing any actual or visible work, you can be a great asset to your company.
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