Quick career growth may be the aspiration of almost every employee and you may not be an exception. Of course, this is not a solipsistic attitude and there is nothing unethical about it. But to achieve this aim, you must first understand what is popularly known as "Career Math." You may like to discover what this means and how to go about it.
What is career math?
We all know that mathematics involves the four main operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. So, when you try to understand career math, you should know the items you should add, those you should subtract, the ones you should multiply, and those you should divide. Let us look at these in the same order.
Things you should add:
You may strictly abide by the instructions and carry out the tasks assigned to you. But this is not enough to have quick career growth. You must always ensure to do something more than the tasks assigned. For example, after completing your tasks, you can assist other team members in their tasks. Further, you can use your creative juices and come out with innovative suggestions to improve the output of your team or the whole organization. Doing so will certainly give you the reputation of being a valuable employee. This will increase your chances of getting quick elevations to higher positions.
Things you should shun.
This forms the subtraction part of the career math. Topping this list is stopping to be rebellious. This does not mean that you should not point out the mistakes or errors in the systems or processes. You must be polite and at the same time, analytical in your approach. Of course, a large dose of diplomacy will do a world of good in enhancing the value of your handling.
Secondly, you must never, never resort to unethical ways to promote your cause or improve your reputation. Never forget the fact that the reputation you may earn by back-biting, gossiping, or talking ill of others may not be permanent. Those who hold high positions may have several eyes and ears and they will soon find out your true intentions.
Thirdly, you should not drift even an inch from your loyalty to your company. Instances of people's lives getting ruined due to disloyalty to their companies abound in corporate history. So, you must be very careful because there may be alluring situations that may tempt you.
Multiplication in the career math.
The multiplication process happens when you can slash the number of hours you take to complete tasks so that the value of your output increases in geometric proportions. How can you do this? An example will explain this clearly. There may be several routine tasks. Unfortunately, they may be so important that you cannot dispense with them. You may have to do them daily and consistently. If you develop well-structured templates, you can complete the tasks in a jiffy. This is one of the major steps with the help of which you can drastically reduce the number of hours you spend on these routine tasks. This will amazingly bring about a "multiplier effect" on your output.
The role of division in your career math.
Division in the career math is nothing but the popular concept of "Division of Labor." Every management may want to leverage the optimum potential of their employees. They may accomplish this aim by assessing the capabilities and skills of the employees. There may be one or more employees in your company who may be good at sifting data and presenting them in a concise and comprehensible form. A few other employees may excel in project management and yet a few others may have good knowledge of accounting, administration, or marketing.
Being a member of your team, you should ensure that there is complete coordination between your output and those of other team members. Similarly, the output of your team should gel with those of other teams. For example, the team that does development-related tasks should coordinate with the operations team. Of course, there are tools such as DevOps to handle such coordination efforts.
So, how does division fit into career math? Dividing and assigning tasks according to the capabilities and skills of the teams or employees is how division fits into the career math. Regardless of your position in the hierarchy of the company, you should ensure that your output is in tandem and in synergy with the team's or company's goals.
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