You may be struggling to succeed in your copywriting career and during the process of investigating the possibilities available to you, you suddenly stumble upon a client who is equally struggling to promote her business. You justifiably assume that if you utilize this opportunity, it will be a step upward and will restore your confidence and career. You offer your services to the client by convincing her that you will craft sales copies for her and improve her business.
Though you get a nod from the client, you are not very much sure as to how to go about this. At the same time, you believe that this approval from the client can turn out to be the straw that can firmly put you on the path to success in your copywriting career. Remember that no desultory ways will provide you with any clues as to how to proceed with the task on hand. The following few tips will help you. Read on.
1. Be restrained but be clear.
It is not necessary that you should show the breadth of your knowledge in the copies you are trying to create for your client. The language you use should be simple and should just be representative of the business of the client. Prospects who read the copies should get valuable insights and get persuaded so chances of they becoming loyal customers for your client are high.
Of course, you may be tempted to use a flowery language for mouthing the details you have gathered from your client. Avoid this tendency. Of course, being a creative person that you are, you may not be able to parrot exactly what the client has told you. Further, the contents should not sound awkward and the ideas should not turn out to be a jumble of words.
2. Be truthful.
Make sure that the contents of your copies fill the minds of the prospects with excitement. The excitement should result from the expectation of enjoying the promises you make in your copies.
At the same time, remember that customers have no patience for deceit and are not likely to be amused if your words ring false. In fact, prospects who read your sales copies will understand that with your charades, you are trying to rationalize the empty promises you are making. So, their reaction may turn out to be sardonic. Your words may repel them also. This means that the righteous wrath of these potential customers will make it difficult for your client to win them back.
3. Be unique but be authentic as well.
You will have a tendency to have a look at the copies of the competitors of your client before trying to craft copies for her. If you are not careful, your mind will unconsciously pick or borrow ideas from those copies. The main danger is that these ideas can replace the buoyancy of your own original ones and can spoil your creativity by their conformity. Of course, you can gather insights from those copies or the ideas in them can help in triggering your creativity. Never forget that your aim is to get your client better results than what her competitors are able to get from their copies. So, the contents you create should be original, unique, and really authentic which means they should be unsullied and your own.
4. Be unafraid.
If you always keep your focus on helping the client realize her dreams, you will work with determined practicality and try to come up with unique ideas in your copies. In fact, you will have your own perception once you discuss with your client and gather all the details you require for creating copies for her. Having a perception of your own will liberate you from whatever inhibitions you may have about the brand and the products of your client. You need not hesitate to use this perception in your copies nor you need to worry if you will be startling or shocking the prospects of your client with the candor or bluntness that has grown from your perception.
Your aim is to touch the emotional chord in the prospects and so, a little bit of bluntness while you discuss the issues they face is good. But avoid being overly sentimental. Do not also sound defiant while countering the apprehensions you assume these prospects may have.
5. Be sincere.
Try to eliminate the suspicions the prospects may have. Ensure also that the prospects know the truth about the industry or the field in which your client operates, the real truth, not the competitors' truth that may be ridiculous or false. But you should reinforce your statements with proper, satisfactory explanations because emotions such as fear and suspicion will never atrophy in the minds of customers regardless of the fact that not all the providers and suppliers are insincere and deceitful.
6. Be purposeful.
Your intention is not to invade the minds of these prospects and unsettle them. But your aim is to make sure that that the brief of your client is so well explained in your copies that these prospects are completely convinced. The details should get recorded in their minds so they are able to retrieve and pluck your name from their memory especially when they need the products your client has to offer.
7. Be confident and firm.
You have voluntarily chosen the copywriting career and this client has assigned to you this task of preparing sales copies for her. Of course, you have gathered all the inputs you require from the client. You have to now use your brain and its creative power for crafting these copies and cannot expect that some extra minds will supplant your mind. You cannot afford to falter also because the client has relied on you and entrusted the task to you. Therefore, find out the barriers that stand between you and the task of crafting a great and effective copy and try to eliminate them.
8. Be wise.
Nowadays, customers are unsentimental and almost all the marketing professionals are aware that there is an increased barter mentality in customers. The general question almost every customer asks is: "What is in it for me?" Your copy should therefore make potential customers be aware of what they will get by opting for the products your client is offering. So, regiment your thinking process suitably and sort and choose the right words wisely so your copy achieves this aim.
9. Get ready for success.
The best way to become super-qualified so you can achieve guaranteed success and prosperity in your copywriting career is to keep learning on a continuous basis. You should never allow yourself to get complacent. You should also be open to new, unique and innovative ideas. If you adopt this approach, you will not only be able to enhance the quality of your copies but will inspire more and more clients to approach you for promoting their brands and businesses.