Saturday, December 26, 2020

Are You a Procrastinator? Knock That Habit off.

If you have the habit of postponing things, you have to necessarily get rid of the habit because the habit will not allow you to progress and achieve your goals, whatever they may be. There is no doubt you have to think through and consider various factors before making any decision. But this does not mean you can keep on postponing making decisions. So, how to go about the process of getting rid of this dangerous habit? The following tips may help.

Are you postponing tasks because they are unpleasant?

If you have been postponing tasks since they appear to be unpleasant, it is high time you change your perception. By postponing these tasks, you will be missing out on several viable and worthy opportunities. The best way to induce yourself to take up the seemingly unpleasant tasks is to attend to them when your efficiency level is at its best. 

The efficiency level of a few people will be in full force during the morning hours. For a few others, their system and the mental faculty will be working at their optimum level of efficiency in the nights because these people are "owlish." So, these nocturnal 'creatures' will not hesitate to burn the midnight oil for carrying out their tasks.

You must know the time when your faculties are sharp and you can work in top gear. You should take up the so-called unpleasant and cumbersome tasks during such hours. In fact and surprisingly, you will find that the same tasks are easily executable when you try carrying them out at the "best" hours.

Are your tasks big?

If the reason for your postponing habit is because your tasks are big, you can adopt another strategy for winning over the habit. The simple suggestion is you should split the big tasks into several smaller milestones. You will then not feel the heat of the size of the tasks. You can easily complete them as well. You will ultimately be amazed to see how you have won over your postponing habit.

Dispense with your fear of failure.

A strong reason for your postponing tasks is that you may be afraid of failures. Never forget the fact that failing and achieving success are parts of the learning process. Unless you fail and know what mistakes you commit, you cannot improve yourself. How can you achieve personal growth if the mistakes you used to commit continue to stick with you? So, you must get rid of the fear of failure and start acting upon your ideas. If you purposefully work on this suggestion, you will certainly be able to put your firm foot on the track of knocking off your habit of procrastinating.


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