Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Two Pairs of Hypnotic Words That Can Change the Journey of Your Life.

You may have a desire and though you yearn to get it fulfilled, you allow it to remain useless and go the "stale" way by not taking the most appropriate steps to get it translated into a concrete result. Therefore, you continue to lead an ordinary life without any thrill or happiness. The journey of your life is similar to billions of people who just come into this world, lead a normal or sub-normal life, and leave the planet without creating any ripples. But you should ponder if this is the right way to lead your life. 

The problem is several people including you are always surrounded by "naysayers." When you share your passion with them, they will immediately come out with umpteen number of reasons for preventing you from pursuing your dream. In fact, you yourself have been looking for some alibi or the other for escaping from the drudgery, if any, that may be involved in following your passion. The main reason for your attitude of not taking any step is that you are afraid either of failure or of success in your efforts.

You should first understand the fact that failure and success are integral to the process of learning. If you fail in your efforts, it shows that you have committed a few mistakes. You should take a detour for analyzing those mistakes and finding out ways of avoiding them. Remember that if you skip the step of analyzing and finding out the ways of avoiding those mistakes, you will continue to repeat them. So, you will never move ahead in your journey of achieving your desire. Remember the words of the Bard who said, "Sweet are the uses of adversity." The adverse situations created by your mistakes will teach you several useful and more often, very big lessons.

Even if you succeed in your efforts, it does not mean that you have not committed any mistakes. Perhaps, your passion and the efforts you have put in have been so strong that they have nullified the impact of your mistakes. You should, therefore, analyze the process you have undertaken even if you have succeeded in your efforts. Only then, you can make your journey towards your goal smoother and silkier.

Now the point is: How to change the course of your life's journey? There are two pairs of words you should get imprinted in your mind. If you get these words etched in your mind and if you keep reminding yourself of them, you will find it easy to dispense with your alibis and begin your journey of pursuing your passion.

Two pairs of words that can create this positive impact.

"Bypassing the gatekeepers" and "taking action" are the two pairs of words that can suitably nourish your head and inspire you to leap into action.

Bypassing the gatekeepers.

You should ignore the advice and suggestions of the "naysayers" who are bent upon discouraging you and not allowing you to pursue your passion. These gatekeepers are negativity-breathing dragons and are worthy of being bypassed and their suggestions deserve getting slain. Never, never heed their advice. Once you are clear about your goal, you should immediately devise a plan for pursuing your passion. The plan should consist of concrete steps. Of course, the plan should not be cut-and-dried. There should be flexibility for changing or modifying the steps if necessary or if there are bumps.

Taking action.

You will not move even an inch towards your goal if you do not take action on your plan or steps. You should start taking action on them. You need not worry even if you make incremental improvements. But you should ensure that you are consistent in taking action. Remember that every step matters, however small or simple they may be. Only then, you can achieve the goal you are passionate about. 

If you are persistent with your "stick-to-it-ivity" especially in implementing the essence of these two pairs of words, you can certainly change the course of your life's journey.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Are You a Procrastinator? Knock That Habit off.

If you have the habit of postponing things, you have to necessarily get rid of the habit because the habit will not allow you to progress and achieve your goals, whatever they may be. There is no doubt you have to think through and consider various factors before making any decision. But this does not mean you can keep on postponing making decisions. So, how to go about the process of getting rid of this dangerous habit? The following tips may help.

Are you postponing tasks because they are unpleasant?

If you have been postponing tasks since they appear to be unpleasant, it is high time you change your perception. By postponing these tasks, you will be missing out on several viable and worthy opportunities. The best way to induce yourself to take up the seemingly unpleasant tasks is to attend to them when your efficiency level is at its best. 

The efficiency level of a few people will be in full force during the morning hours. For a few others, their system and the mental faculty will be working at their optimum level of efficiency in the nights because these people are "owlish." So, these nocturnal 'creatures' will not hesitate to burn the midnight oil for carrying out their tasks.

You must know the time when your faculties are sharp and you can work in top gear. You should take up the so-called unpleasant and cumbersome tasks during such hours. In fact and surprisingly, you will find that the same tasks are easily executable when you try carrying them out at the "best" hours.

Are your tasks big?

If the reason for your postponing habit is because your tasks are big, you can adopt another strategy for winning over the habit. The simple suggestion is you should split the big tasks into several smaller milestones. You will then not feel the heat of the size of the tasks. You can easily complete them as well. You will ultimately be amazed to see how you have won over your postponing habit.

Dispense with your fear of failure.

A strong reason for your postponing tasks is that you may be afraid of failures. Never forget the fact that failing and achieving success are parts of the learning process. Unless you fail and know what mistakes you commit, you cannot improve yourself. How can you achieve personal growth if the mistakes you used to commit continue to stick with you? So, you must get rid of the fear of failure and start acting upon your ideas. If you purposefully work on this suggestion, you will certainly be able to put your firm foot on the track of knocking off your habit of procrastinating.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The First Great Secret That Can Help You Grow in Your Career.

That you have to work very hard to grow in your career can be the most dangerous untruth you may have come across. While making this statement, experts have obviously distorted the truth. As the German philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg said, "The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted." So, what is the truth that has been hidden by this distorted untruth? What is the secret that can help you in your career growth? Let us find out.

Know this big myth and treat it as you treat a cobweb.

That hard work can help you in your career growth is a big myth. In fact, hard work can sometimes hurt your growth. An example can explain this clearly. If you work hard, you will be increasing the likelihood of getting burdened by more work than what you are capable of executing efficiently. Unfortunately, you will have a tendency or may feel a morbid pleasure that is derived out of wrong thinking that only because you are impressing your boss with your hard work, he is giving you more work. In reality, your boss knows that he cannot rely on other employees. Since you have always proved to be a reliable employee, he is dumping all the work on you.

An unfortunate fact is that there is a saturation point in everything. This means that your efficiency and focus will come down steeply beyond a certain point. So, the quality of your output will be much below par when you reach the point. Hence, at the time of writing your appraisal report, you will be rated as an "average" employee whose output is just average. When your work is viewed as "average," how can you expect to have exceptional career growth?

What is the great secret?

At the time of recruiting you, the recruiters of your company may have interviewed you and checked your credentials to ensure that you possess the academic and other qualifications that are required for carrying out the job for which you are being considered. But they may not have the complete scope to check all your skills. Of course, if you are an experienced candidate, they may scroll through the testimonies your previous employers may have given. 

Only after you begin working for the company and only after a few days after you begin executing your work, the company may know how capable you are. To put it differently, the quality of your output alone will decide your career growth. So, the great secret that can help you in your growth revolves around how you go about executing your work and how you keep improving the quality of your performance.

So, the secret that can help you grow in your career lies in being curious, asking questions, and learning  During the course of executing your tasks, you will have certainly have lots of chances to mingle with your superiors and employees who have more experience than you. Instead of discussing with them about the weather or the baseball matches of the previous day, you can ask questions about your job and the tasks you are carrying out, and how you can excel in your work. By adopting this approach, you will not only impress them with your curiosity but will be able to learn a lot from them as well. If you blend your creativity with the insights you gain from them, you can come out with unique and unimaginably great ideas. If you put these ideas to use, you can vastly improve the quality of your output. What more do you need for achieving the career growth you are aspiring for?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Why You Must Consider Your Health as the Most Valuable Asset?

Focusing on your career growth, business success, or your financial wellbeing is not at all bad. But if these goals become an obsession and if you keep pursuing them at the expense of your health, you are heading towards a heavy-hitting disaster. This means that among all your assets, your health is the most valuable and you must afford the top-most priority to it. Your spouse and children may know also that you are not just a talking-and-walking credit card or ATM for them and that you and your health are paramount. You must, therefore, ensure to eat healthily, have adequate sleep, and do daily exercises.

But how can you know that you are not taking proper care of your health? If your performance or output is consistently below par and if, in the heart of your heart, you feel dissatisfied with your own work, it shows that you are neglecting your physical well-being. Conversely put, you cannot deliver the best if you are not 100% fit and healthy.

Health issues and mental stress.

Remember that even minor issues such as common cold, headache, pain, and minor bruises can cause mental stress. You may be aware of the ill-effects stress may cause. This being the case, you can imagine how major ailments can make your life miserable.  

Health issues and energy levels.

Secondly, health issues will drastically bring down your energy levels. Therefore, you will get annoyed even over trivial matters. Due to this, there will be strains in the relationships with others including your friends and close relatives. Your system will not function efficiently also. Hence, you will feel fatigued sooner than normal. These are some of the reasons why you must ensure to maintain good health.

Are there fail-safe methods for maintaining your health? 

The answer to this question is in the negative. However, if you infuse a cadence of consistent rituals into your daily routine, you can certainly maintain good health. These rituals are proven steps that can unlock your capability which if used optimally, will help in achieving and maintaining a high productivity level. You can lead an active and full life as well. Thanks to fewer medical issues, there will not be any loss of work-days.

Good health and quality of life. 

When you are young, your body will cooperate with you even if you do not care to take the steps required for maintaining your health. But as you age, your system will start getting sluggish and hence, will not cooperate with you. Though it is wrong to assume that a well-maintained body will not become sluggish, you can retain stable energy levels if you take good care of your health. Most importantly, it is a proven fact that good physical health can guarantee excellent mental health. Simply put, the overall quality of your life will be very good even as you age.

Eating healthily, having adequate sleep, and doing exercises on a daily basis are not just traditional methods because even contemporary experts suggest only these steps. In fact, by following these suggestions, you are not biohacking your system for maintaining good health. On the contrary, you are ardently adhering to the concrete and workable advice of experts so that your health does not get hijacked by your wrong focus on the "mirage of success" at the expense of your physical and mental well-being.