Tuesday, August 25, 2020

You Have Good Potential to Grow in Your Career. How to Make Your Management Know It?

You may be one of a host of people who are in possession of sterling good brains to frequently come out with new ideas. This certainly augurs well for your growth because it will help you in your efforts to succeed. But will clinging ruggedly to your superlative ideas automatically get you success? The answer to this question is that you can not achieve success just because you have ideas. You have to act upon them. Let us elaborate on this.

Malcolm Gladwell, who brought out a book entitled "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference," offers a few interesting points that are relevant to the topic of success. Now, how to explain the concept of the tipping point? Let us take the example of a glass that is filled with water up to the brim. Even though the glass is already full, you start adding water, one drop after another. The level of water will rise thanks to the Theory of Surface Tension but at a certain point, just one more drop will disturb the whole equilibrium and the entire excess water will get spilled. 

According to Malcolm Gladwell, human society reaches a tip-off point due to the act or idea of just a single person. Even infectious diseases behave in a similar fashion. They keep incubating for several years. Suddenly, when the conditions are very much suitable for their eruption, they start attacking people. 

Experts from the medical fraternity firmly opine that creating ideas will restore the tissues of your brain. But when you create them, it is wrong to lock them up in your bosom. You should keep sharing them with the right people. Especially, if you are an employee and if you nurture an ambition to grow in your organization, you must keep creating ideas on a continuous basis. Very importantly, you should bring them to the table as well. Only then, the management will know that you have the potential to grow. Unfortunately, the nub of the issues many companies face mainly lies in inadequacy in this aspect. This means they do not get the required number of employees who can provide them with good ideas.  

Of course, coming out with ideas on a continuous basis and sharing them with the top brass of the company may prove to be a frustrating process for employees like you. It is like throwing seeds on fertile ground. You do not know which kernel will sprout out and grow into a big tree. Remember that even a bright idea will work only if the conditions are congenial. But when your ideas are not received in the manner you expect, you should accept such situations with valiant gaiety.  Perhaps, the conditions may not be suitable and that is the reason you could not sell your ideas. Therefore, you must not allow such things to dampen your buoyant spirit.

Another point to remember is that just because your ideas have not been considered or have been rejected, you do not become a dullhead. The very fact that you have been continuously supplying ideas will always be remembered by the management. 

So, keep trying and keep changing your perspectives. You will get unimaginably bright ideas. This will certainly benefit you in your career growth.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Develop an Addiction for Success

Those who followed the Apollo 13 Mission may know what the commander of the mission said. If what he said is paraphrased, the meaning is: "Failure is not an option." Experts opine that if you are aiming for a huge success in your career or in your life, you should develop a similar attitude. 

In this context, I am reminded of how a friend of mine, who was constructing his own house in a suburb, had always been making it a point to earn at least 100 bucks every day, the reason being he had to pay wages to the construction workers every evening. There was no day on which he went home without this money. The inference from this is that if your aim is to succeed in your career, you should have no other option. Success should be the only option for you. You should work with such an intensity that your whole life or your very existence depends on it. If you work like that, there is no reason why you will not succeed.

When you change your mindset accordingly, you will find that all your qualms vanish and that all your fears evaporate. But how to change your mindset is the question now. Let us find out.

There are two types of fear that may afflict people who aim to succeed. Some people have a fear of failure. You may be afraid that you may fail in your attempts and that you will be ridiculed by others. This fear is so powerful that it will put you into the clutches of "The Devil of Inertia." This devil will not allow you to take the steps required for achieving success. 

Another fear is the fear of success. There are people who are afraid of success as well. These folks think that if they succeed, others may ridicule them by quoting the infamous statement "Fortune favors fools" and that they have adopted short-cuts or false ways for achieving success

But in reality, both these fears are unfounded. The findings of several studies conducted on success-related fears reveal that whether you succeed or fail, nearly 80% of the people do not care about it. Which is greater, 80% or the remaining 20%? Why do you need to worry about 20% of people? That is why you are advised to focus on your efforts in such a manner that your very existence depends on their positive outcome. Such a focus and a craving-like addiction for success will get you whatever you want in life. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Can You Succeed in Your Career without Hurting Others' Chances?

Abba Eban, who was a popular Israeli diplomat, once said, "You can’t achieve anything without getting in someone’s way.” This means that when you climb your career ladder, you may be hurting the chances of some people who may be slow movers or non-movers. Especially, if you are like many other ambitious career climbers who ruthlessly focus only on their own growth without giving a damn about the goals or feelings of others, you may just shrug your shoulders and say that those whose chances you are hurting are slow or non-movers and hence, they deserve to lose the race to you. 

Whenever the fact that you have hurt the chances of a few others haunts you, you may console yourself by thinking that you have not been sadistic and stood in their way just for the sake of achieving the career growth you have been aspiring for. On the contrary, you have succeeded in your efforts in achieving career growth because you have been proving time and again that you are a better leader or accomplisher. Of course, during the course of your journey, you may have used forceful language to make slow-movers among your peers or subordinates work faster. You may have hurt the chances of the growth of some of them as well. But is it possible to be graceful and gentle while handling such slow or non-movers? Let us find out.

How to handle slow movers?

It is impossible to achieve the career success you want without the help of others. These others may include slow movers as well. But you cannot behave like a Nazi for having their help. According to experts, you should be gentle while handling them. You will not derive any benefit by being harsh or by ill-treating these folks. When you confront situations in which their performances are below par, you should ask appropriate questions to know if they have any problems with the tasks. Yelling at them or scolding them will not only not get you the right type of response but will spoil your relationship with them. Only by knowing their problems, you will be able to extract the best out of them. Most importantly, they will cooperate and help you achieve the career growth you are aiming at.

Though DNA science says that certain habits are inveterate, you can easily change your ways by practice. This means that if you have all along been behaving like a ball-buster with your peers or subordinates, you can practice gentleness so that you will be able to handle them smoothly.

You may say, "I am a success-driven person and hence, I can not tolerate slow movers." You should remember that you are not asked to sail slowly as they do. On the other hand, you are advised to effect the following few changes both in your thinking pattern and in your approach.

1. Be aware of the fact that every person is unique. Some people may be ambitious, some of them may be lazy and clumsy, and a few others may be incompetent. But most of these people are like this not with an intention to cause harm to you.

2. Set fair and clear standards and gently keep nudging these people to meet them.

3. If you are gentle but firm, most of them will improve. If some of them do not seem to improve, ask them questions, listen to them attentively, and try to provide them with suggestions. If they still do not improve, do not hesitate to replace them. But even while doing so, you should be gentle and kind and should avoid criticism. 

If you follow these suggestions, the fact that your success has happened only after you have hurt the chances of others will not haunt you at all.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Get Rid of the Barriers That Stop Your Career Growth

An expert has once said that there are no barriers to the entrepreneurial world. The fact that the number of startup companies has been increasing at a very rapid pace might have been the reason behind this observation. Whether these startups are able to sustain in the competitive environment that is prevalent now is a different question altogether. While talking about the entrepreneurial world, you may ask what the situation is in the job market. The job market does not have barriers also. This point needs elaboration.

According to Parkinson's Fourth Law, "The number of people in any working group tends to increase irrespective of the amount of work to be completed."  Let us not debate if this law is right or not. But the fact remains that job opportunities are aplenty. But unless you acquire the talent required for the job you wish to land, you cannot achieve your dream. Therefore, the foremost step for landing the job you aspire for is to acquire the required knowledge and skill. But will you get complacent once you land the job that you have been aspiring for? In fact, if you get complacent at this stage, you can never grow in your career. This means you have to set your eyes on higher levels in order to climb the career ladder. Here are a couple of suggestions that may help you in this process.

1. Acquire the "I Care a Damn" attitude.

When others come to know that you are aiming high and trying to acquire more knowledge and better your skill, most of them will discourage you. Some of these folks may be jealous. A few among them may perhaps be traditional-minded and hence, according to them, aiming high may be a taboo. Some fo these traditional-minded people may even opine that contentment is the best virtue, and aspiring to move on to the highest level is nothing but avarice. There is another group of people who are negativity-personified and so, they will discourage you also. Yet a few others can not just tolerate if someone grows. They will derive a sadistic pleasure if others get defeated and doomed. 

In short, you are bound to confront a lot of criticisms and discouraging comments. You can not move an inch forward if you react to or worry about such javelins and jibes. Therefore, you are advised to learn and practice what is known as the "I Care a Damn" attitude. As Dale Carnegie puts it, "Do the very best you can; and then put up your old umbrella and keep the rain of criticism from running down the back of your neck." Hence, do not worry about what others say and be sincere in your efforts so that your climb can be as smooth as possible.

2. Never relent even if you face hurdles.

During the course of your journey towards career success, you will certainly confront challenging situations. You should not give up even when such situations threaten your aspiration. You should be resilient enough to use your resources and tide over such situations. But there may be situations when you may not have the resources that are normally required for tiding over such situations. In those instances, you must be innovative and look for using the resources that are available with you. For example, if you do not have a camera for doing your work, you can use your mobile phone for taking photos or shooting videos. If you do not have a credit card, you can explore the possibilities of using PayPal, Shrill, etc. for making your transactions. In short, if you apply your mind, you can always come out with innovative solutions, whatever may be the situation you may face.

To summarize, you must have a strong desire to achieve your goal. You must have faith in yourself as well. You should be committed and focused also. These three are the most important ingredients required for making the tastiest of recipes, which is called "success."   

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Why Do You Need a Career Blueprint?

Is achieving success in your career easy? "Yes" and "No" are the answers. Since the answers contradict each other, there needs to be some elaboration. Success in your career is easy and simple if you accept the fact that you have to take a few diligent steps for achieving it. That is the reason experts advise that you have to delve deep into success stories that seem to have happened overnight. Such an in-depth study of these success stores will reveal that they have been work-in-progress for a very long period. In short, if you want to succeed in your career, you should have a blueprint and work on it over a period of time. The following few suggestions may help.

1. Dispense with the traditional way of setting goals.

In the traditional way of setting a goal, experts advise that you must first put in place a specific goal. Next, you must set a deadline for achieving the goal. The next suggestion you will get from these traditional experts is that you should start working to achieve the goal you have set. Though this seems to be logical and linear, modern-day personal development gurus, and especially those who offer guidance in career-related matters, advise that instead of opting for the traditional way of setting goals, you should prepare a blueprint that consists of process goals

Process goals specifically talk about the processes and the steps you intend to take for achieving your goal. For example, if you are a member of a team and if your immediate goal is to become a team leader, your process goals should consist of every step you intend to take for translating this goal into reality. You should meticulously follow these processes. Even if you follow the steps at least to the extent of 7/10th of perfection, you are certain to achieve the goal quickly.

2. Change the way you make your plans.

Earlier, experts used to advise that you should make a plan for the next day the previous night itself. But the modern gurus prescribe that you should plan for weeks. They advise that you should plan at least for six weeks. This plan that is a very important ingredient of your career blueprint should consist of the tasks or the steps you must complete every day. The plan should specifically mention the tasks you must ensure to complete every week also. More importantly, you must take action with the utmost precision. 

But you may argue that things may not turn out to be as smooth as we expect them to be and hence, there may be threatening situations that are likely to derail your plans. Experts provide a solution for this as well. They advise that you should be creative and put in place alternative, back-up steps that can help you combat such situations successfully. Such back-up steps should be equally strong and put you back firmly on the path that can take you towards your goal.

3. Ensure to remain motivated.

You should remain motivated throughout your journey. It is true that when things do not move according to your blueprint, you may get frustrated and demotivated. But if you put in place a meaningful incentive system, you can keep yourself motivated. This means that whenever you reach a milestone, however small it may be, you should incentivize yourself. If the incentives in your system are meaningful, your determination will be strong and hence, you will tread your career path with confidence.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Secrets You Must Know to Become a Successful Employee

When you land a job and set foot at the threshold of your workplace, you do so with lots of hopes. You want to be a successful employee because you are aware that only then, you can enter the good books of the top management of your company. Once this happens, it will be easy for you to move up the career ladder smoothly. But how to become a successful employee? 

This needs planning. Of course, it is not enough if your plan is of normal quality. Your plan should be very good and viable. Further, you must start taking action and execute your plan meticulously. But to make such a good plan, you must learn a few secrets. The following are the secrets you must know.

1. Specialized knowledge.

You must study the industry in which your company is operating. Just like other fields, the filed in which your company is operating may also be changing at a fast pace. You must, therefore, keep abreast of the changes, innovations, and improvements that keep happening in the field. Possessing out-dated knowledge will jeopardize your very existence in the company. If the management of your company comes to know that you are not in possession of the latest innovations or ideas in your field, they will not hesitate even a second to show you the doors. 

On the other hand, if you are in possession of the knowledge related to the latest innovations in the field, the management will shower all the privileges you demand. Therefore, keep taking the required action to acquire specialized knowledge related to the field in which your company is operating.

2. Keep adding value to your company.

Managements never care for average employees. Such employees can not expect to have a reasonably good increase in their remuneration. The management of the company may even decide not to increase their pay. On the contrary, if you keep adding value to your company, you can demand what you think you are worth. But how to add value to your company? This is by generating innovative and workable ideas and proving to the management that those ideas will do wonders for the growth of the company. Again, this cannot be a one-time affair because managements are notorious for their forgetfulness. But ironically, managements remember a few things for longer periods. This statement may sound like an oxymoron. But this is very much true.

Managements never forget the mistakes committed by their employees. But they do not remember the good work of employees for long. This means that you should carefully avoid committing mistakes and at the same time, consistently and continuously, bring value to the company. Only then, you can constantly be in their good books.  

3. Be an opportunity-hunter.

During the course of executing your official tasks, you should always keep your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs open and look for opportunities. By identifying such opportunities, you will be able to showcase your talents and knowledge. It is true that talents and knowledge can never be suppressed and they will be "visible" to everyone at some point. But the present-day context demands that you should hasten the process by deliberately and purposely looking for opportunities and showcasing them. By doing so, you will accelerate the process of becoming a successful employee

Keep the above suggestions in mind and work on them on a continuous basis. You will soon become a successful employee. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

A Keystone Habit That Can Help You Become Unstoppable in Your Career Growth

As an employee, you may want to have accelerated growth in your career. Especially, when you see some of the most successful people occupying very high positions, you may be puzzled over the conundrum as to how they have climbed the career rungs so quickly while you are still struggling. According to experts, the main reason for your career struggle is your mental blocks though there are several other factors that determine the success or failure of a person. This means you must ensure to eliminate these mental blocks first in order to tread confidently on your success path. Let us find out more about this.

What are the steps you must take for eliminating the mental blocks that do not allow you to climb the career ladder?

1. The foremost impediment to your career growth is YOUR PSYCHOLOGY or thought process. You have to drive out those thoughts that clutter your mind. Never forget the fact that thoughts alone govern your attitude. There are scores of instances to show how highly talented people are NOT considered for high positions just because they have attitudinal issues. Therefore, you have to work on your thought process for changing your attitude.

How to work on your thought process? The process goes like this. Sit in a secluded place, do an introspection, and identify those thoughts that do not allow you to take the required action for changing your attitude and accelerating your career growth. This is a very important step because if you do not drive away such thoughts, you will never be able to achieve what you want. Only when you examine and analyze your thoughts, you can rewire your brain appropriately and change your thought process

2. Another important step to remove mental blocks is to CONSCIOUSLY DRIVE AWAY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. It is true that you are human and therefore, it may not be possible to completely eliminate negative thoughts from your mind. But when such negative thoughts knock at the threshold of your mind, it is better not to let them in. Even if they sneak in, do not allow them to stay in your mind for a long duration. But how to do this?  The best way is to replace those thoughts with positive thoughts or ideas. If you keep practicing this process for a few days, you will automatically banish all the negative thoughts from your mind. You can then rewire your brain to think only positive thoughts or ideas. This will bring about a phenomenal transformation in your attitude and will ultimately fast-track your career growth.

This is the keystone habit that can help you in fast-tracking your career growth.