Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Could Have and Should Have

When you were young, you might have wished that you should become a painter, a poet, a sculptor, a journalist, or an architect. Or, you might have had a passion and wanted to pursue it. But due to various reasons, you might not have pursued your desire. You may now be working for a company but may perhaps not be satisfied with the 9 to 5 grind because you are asked to do the same work day in and day out. Therefore, you may very frequently think that you could have and should have gone after your desire so you are not in a situation in which you are spending days and nights of regrets.

Studies reveal that there are more number of people who nurture such regrets than one can imagine. Most notably, it is the fear of risk that generally prevents people from taking a plunge in the field in which they have interest. If you are one among such a group of people, you are also risk-averse like them. Experts advise that everyone should analyze risks before deciding not to pursue the desires they have been nurturing. Let us find out more on this.

Unreal risks

Most of the risks people are afraid of are simple narratives that get created in their heads. This means that these risks are not real at all. 

Real risks

Of course, there may be a few tangible risks as well and so, they are real. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you need to analyze them thoroughly before deciding whether to take a  plunge or not. 

The fact is that regardless of whether the risks are unreal or real, they might have stopped you on your track and hence, you might not have pursued your passion. But experts emphatically assert - "no risks, no rewards." They suggest a simple and workable exercise as well so that you improve the chances of gaining the required momentum and pursuing what is burning inside you.     

What is the simple exercise?

This involves 2 steps.

1. Write a few lines describing the details of your desire and passion and send it over to three of your close friends or relatives. Write a date also before which you will begin pursuing the desire or passion. Request these people to be in touch with you regularly for checking the progress you are making on that front. The purpose of this step is to have an "accountability web" around you. Remember that when you become accountable, you will start taking the required action that leads you towards success in pursuing your interest.

2. Make two columns on a sheet of paper. On the left side, write down the risks you may encounter if you pursue the passion. On the right side, write down the risks that you may have to face if you do not pursue it. In other words, you are asked to get into the "action habit" without getting crippled by the thoughts related to the risks. 

The main purpose is that you will have more clarity if you take this step. If the risks pertaining to not pursuing your passion are more than or stronger than those that you may face by pursuing it, it means that you have to go ahead. Otherwise, you can leave your passion as another unfulfilled wish.

Remember that regretting that you could have or should have pursued your desire may be a heavy punishment. Therefore, do not subject yourself to it. Instead, follow this simple advice and stay true to yourself. You are certain to benefit immensely. 

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