Thursday, August 13, 2020

Why Do You Need a Career Blueprint?

Is achieving success in your career easy? "Yes" and "No" are the answers. Since the answers contradict each other, there needs to be some elaboration. Success in your career is easy and simple if you accept the fact that you have to take a few diligent steps for achieving it. That is the reason experts advise that you have to delve deep into success stories that seem to have happened overnight. Such an in-depth study of these success stores will reveal that they have been work-in-progress for a very long period. In short, if you want to succeed in your career, you should have a blueprint and work on it over a period of time. The following few suggestions may help.

1. Dispense with the traditional way of setting goals.

In the traditional way of setting a goal, experts advise that you must first put in place a specific goal. Next, you must set a deadline for achieving the goal. The next suggestion you will get from these traditional experts is that you should start working to achieve the goal you have set. Though this seems to be logical and linear, modern-day personal development gurus, and especially those who offer guidance in career-related matters, advise that instead of opting for the traditional way of setting goals, you should prepare a blueprint that consists of process goals

Process goals specifically talk about the processes and the steps you intend to take for achieving your goal. For example, if you are a member of a team and if your immediate goal is to become a team leader, your process goals should consist of every step you intend to take for translating this goal into reality. You should meticulously follow these processes. Even if you follow the steps at least to the extent of 7/10th of perfection, you are certain to achieve the goal quickly.

2. Change the way you make your plans.

Earlier, experts used to advise that you should make a plan for the next day the previous night itself. But the modern gurus prescribe that you should plan for weeks. They advise that you should plan at least for six weeks. This plan that is a very important ingredient of your career blueprint should consist of the tasks or the steps you must complete every day. The plan should specifically mention the tasks you must ensure to complete every week also. More importantly, you must take action with the utmost precision. 

But you may argue that things may not turn out to be as smooth as we expect them to be and hence, there may be threatening situations that are likely to derail your plans. Experts provide a solution for this as well. They advise that you should be creative and put in place alternative, back-up steps that can help you combat such situations successfully. Such back-up steps should be equally strong and put you back firmly on the path that can take you towards your goal.

3. Ensure to remain motivated.

You should remain motivated throughout your journey. It is true that when things do not move according to your blueprint, you may get frustrated and demotivated. But if you put in place a meaningful incentive system, you can keep yourself motivated. This means that whenever you reach a milestone, however small it may be, you should incentivize yourself. If the incentives in your system are meaningful, your determination will be strong and hence, you will tread your career path with confidence.

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