Saturday, January 13, 2024

Career Lessons You Can Learn From Your Family Situations

Most of us humans assume that we are a glorified creation though, in reality, we are similar to Raccoons that are associated mainly with characteristics such as mystery and secrecy. The reason behind this assertion is that we chase only shiny and exciting things and mysteriously, do not recognize what is immediately available to us. This is perhaps the reason why we do not learn from the non-shiny sources very much around us. One such source from which we and more particularly, career seekers and those who desire to climb the rungs of their career ladder fast can learn a lot is our family situations. In fact, the lessons we can learn from our family situations can help us surmount the labyrinth of complex issues we may face during the course of executing our career-related tasks efficiently. Let us find out more on this. 

Are you happy at your workplace?

Not all employees are happy at their workplace. If you are an employee working for a company, do an honest introspection to know if you are happy with your workplace. A survey of employees of various companies has revealed that some of them do not like their bosses, a few others are not happy with their peers or those who work under them, and of course, there are employees who hate the ambiance of their workplace. In short, it seems that to find a workplace that is perfect in all respects is almost impossible. In this context, experts say that you can learn a few lessons from your family situations so that you can have peace of mind despite all the negatives at your workplace. 

What should you do if you do not like your boss, peers, or some of those who work under you? You cannot adopt the "Nazi method" as E.M. Forster puts it. If you adopt this method and kill them, you may have to face criminal proceedings. What should you do then? Just put up with them or tolerate them. Of course, you have the option of quitting the company and joining a new company. But can you be sure that you will not face the same issues in the new company as well? In other words, you must be wary while making such big decisions.

How can family situations help you learn your career-related lessons?

1. Prior to your marriage, you might have nurtured several dreams. But not all your dreams come true. To put this differently, you integrate your dreams with your family life. Bluntly put, you choose only a few among a host of your dreams because they are only accomplishable in your life. 

In the same manner, you must be ready to integrate your career goals with the goals of your company. Such a synergy alone will help you climb the rungs of your career ladder. Never forget the fact that the top brass of your company is focused only on the company's goals and not on your ambitions. Also remember that you are not indispensable. If you quit the company or if the management shows you the exit, there may be others who may fill the void. In fact, your exit may not create any void at all. So, integrating your goals with those of the company is very important. This is analogous to how you focus on the welfare of your family and not on your personal welfare alone.

2. Next, tolerance plays a major role in leading a peaceful family life. Similarly, you should embrace the virtue of tolerance in your workplace as well. There may be people whom you dislike but you have no other option except to tolerate them and work along with them. Mistakes are bound to happen, misunderstandings are likely to arise, and there may be disagreements at every stage. You should learn to adopt a middle path to avoid confrontations. 

Of course, it is not always possible to make consensual decisions. In such situations, a give-and-take approach will do a world of good. It may even be necessary to adopt a give-and-give approach also. But what is important is the company's growth and so, you should be ready for embracing such an approach as well. Of course, such an approach is quite common in family life also because you have to adopt a pragmatic stance to have domestic peace.

In summary, integrating your ambitions with the company's growth goals and embracing the doctrine of tolerance are the keys that can act as an open-sesame to the gateway that opens the path to your career objectives.

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